Hello, this is Sakamaki.
Donation tickets are donated every day by aoneco supporters.
How are they used and what activities are they doing once they arrive?
I'll introduce a simple method to help clear up some of these doubts.
We received a report from Nishijima-san, the owner of Kumamoto Cat Cafe Kagonyan, which connects people and cats and is based in Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu.
Report on the rescue cat activities of Kumamoto's cat cafe Kagonyan
Cats warm up with a battery-powered heating mat
Activity record
Number of animals transferred: 1 Number of animals rescued: 0
A message from our CEO, Mr. Nishijima
"The donations we received were used to cover medical expenses such as sterilization and to purchase cold weather protection equipment (mobile battery-powered heating mats) for the cats.
This will be a great help as our heating bills are set to rise dramatically from now on."
It's getting colder suddenly, so both humans and cats want to stay warm.
Since it is powered by a mobile battery, it can be used anywhere.
Thank you for reading to the end.
Aoneco: Supporting rescued cats through manufacturing
#May all cats sleep peacefully