Ehime Clips, an NPO based in Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture (established in November 2021)
Representative Watanabe-san,
"Ehime Prefecture has the highest number of euthanasias in the country, so we are working to save as many dogs and cats as possible."
"People are calm and cats are healthy..."
We provide a wide range of support based on this concept.
Activity report for May 2023
・TNR activities: 9 animals in Matsuyama City
・Cat protection: Matsuyama city 2 adult cats, 14 kittens; Imabari city 4 adult cats
・Dog and cat adoption events: 10
■How donations will be used What if you had 22,000 yen?
In addition to TNR, the funds will be used to cover medical expenses for stray cats, which have not been adequately addressed until now.
◇TNR: About 3 animals + deworming medicine
◇Cold medicine: about 5
◇Eye drops: about 22 pieces
■How donations will be used What if you had 220,000 yen?
"Pets are abandoned when elderly people move to facilities" and "People are keeping many pets but cannot afford to have them sterilized"
There are many cases such as these that we have not been able to help with until now due to funding issues.
Your donations will enable us to respond to cases like this and provide a good environment for as many dogs and cats as possible.
(Specific examples of use)
◇10 animals were left untreated and were given tests, initial medical treatment, and even sterilization surgery.
◇TNR: Approximately 33 animals
◇TNR + vaccine: about 22 animals
Other uses
We are also considering "finding new foster parents to increase the adoption rate."
Thank you for your support.